Publication ethics

The principles of publication ethics were developed in accordance with the requirements of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Maintaining the highest publishing standards, the scientific council of the journal Social Education Nova set down the following principles in terms of publishing ethics:


  • Editors decide on the preliminary qualification of the article, taking into account its content compliance with the journal’s profile.
  • Editors take care to observe ethical norms, in accordance with the adopted standards (equality, counteracting discrimination).
  • Editorial office respects the principles of confidentiality ( authors, reviewers and members of the editorial board personal data protection).
  • Editorial office takes care of the implementation of the review process in accordance with the legal standards relating to copyright issues.
  • Editors undertake to observe the principle of academic freedom.
  • Editors submit articles for review. It is obliged to appoint reviewers who are not in conflict with the author(s) of the prepared text.
  • Articles accepted for review undergo the same double-blind review procedure.
  • Editors take care of the scientific reliability of the published works. In the event of suspicion of the use of unfair practices (plagiarism, falsification of research results), it takes appropriate steps, in accordance with the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


  • Reviewer respects the confidentiality principle.
  • Reviewer evaluates the text in terms of content and / or methodology. Reviews should be objective.
  • Reviewer undertakes to prepare a review within the prescribed period, in accordance with the review sheet indicated by the editorial office of the journal.
  • Reviewer is obliged to resign from reviewing the article if there is a suspicion of a possible conflict between him and the author / authors of the article, resulting from cooperation, competition or other personal or professional relationships.
  • Reviewer undertakes to report the suspicion of plagiarism to the editorial office.
  • The list of reviewers is published on the journal’s website once a year.


  • Authors are obliged to prepare their texts in accordance with the principles of scientific integrity.
  • Authors provide their own original texts for publication, unpublished and not submitted for publication to other editorial offices.
  • Authors are required to provide their affiliation.
  • Authors include information about the sources in their texts, in accordance with the editorial requirements presented by the editors.
  • Authors are obliged to accept the review procedure and refer to reviewers’ comments.
  • In the case of multi-author articles, the authors are obliged to provide the editors with information about which author is responsible for which part of the text.
  • Authors consent to the publication of the text in printed and electronic form.
  • Authors are obliged to accept the journal’s zero-tolerance policy towards the plagiarism and falsification of research results.

As the journal is just making its debut on the publishing market, it is currently not yet included in the „List of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences” but appropriate steps will be taken to include it in this list in due course.